7 June 2019

Tyler is not very optimistic
Tyler is hard at work revising for his maths exam;  he does not look at all happy about it.   
"I've come to wish you good luck"
Iolo returns home to wish him good luck, but Tyler insists that he must keep working.   “Well, if you don’t know it now . . .” Iolo begins, but is told that this is not a joke.
"What if the pupils find out?"
Tyler’s career depends on this exam, but he is not solely concerned about passing;  “What if the pupils find out?” he demands, but Iolo points out that Gaynor has arranged a special room for him, out of the way.   “People still talk,” Tyler worries, but is told just to concentrate on the exam.
"I'm going to check on Kelly"
Iolo is going to check on Kelly at Y Felin, and wishes Tyler good luck.
Tesni is revising hard
At number ten, Tesni is also working hard, and her grandmother asks if she wants some help;  
"I was really good at geography"
“I was really good at geography,” she says, and Tesni congratulates her, but explains that she is working for a history exam.
Then the door opens, which startles Brenda;  
"I'm scared because of what happened to Angela"
she says that she is scared, because of what happened to Angela.   Gerwyn has come home to collect his lunch box, and does not consider that his mother is in any danger.   
"I don't like being on my own"
She is reluctant to be on her own, and Tesni would appreciate some peace.   
"Look, I have to get back to the garage"
Gerwyn does not have time for a cup of tea, but tells his mother that if she is looking for something to do, 
"Why don't you cook dinner for us?"
she could cook dinner for them – but not to include anything out of a packet.
Brenda is rather put out, as that would involve some effort on her part;  
"Typical Gran!"
Tesni smiles.
Tyler is not looking forward to this exam
Tyler has arrived at school, and is feeling sorry for himself;  
"You're not the one resitting a maths GCSE"
Luned is passing, and comments, “I don’t know why you’re worried, sir – you’re not the one resitting a maths GCSE.”   
Then she notices Guto 
Then she notices Guto, talking to another boy, and goes across to see him;  she has a plan.
"I've lost my grandmother's ring"
“Have you seen a ring?” she asks, “I’ve lost my grandmother’s ring.   I was only wearing it because it’s lucky – 
"Could you use your metal detector to help me?"
“perhaps you could use your metal detector to help me – it would mean a lot.”   
She is concerned when Guto simply walks away
He is embarrassed and walks away.
"It's nice to have some peace and quiet"
At Y Felin, Iolo is surprised that his father and Anita have left Kelly on her own, but she reassures him, “It’s nice to have some peace, to be honest – you never spoil anything!”
Iolo tells her what is on his mind;  
"Ed and I had a chat before the wedding"
“Look, Kel, we had a chat before the wedding, Ed and me.   He was having cold feet, and wanted to pull out.”   She wonders if he said why, and Iolo goes on, 
"He said you'd be better off without him"
“He just said that he didn’t deserve you, and you would be better off without him. I persuaded him to go ahead with it – perhaps if I had kept my mouth shut . . .”
"Don't you dare feel guilty, Iolo!"
Kelly tells him, “Don’t you dare feel guilty, Iolo – 
"None of us knew what would happen"
“none of us knew what would happen, least of all me.”   There is a knock at the door, and Iolo goes to answer it.   
A stranger turns up at the front door
It is Dylan, who says that he was just passing on the way to see his family, and wanted to check on Kelly.   
"I'm Dylan"
As he is a complete stranger, Iolo want to know who he is, and he introduces himself.
"He saved my life!"
Kelly looks around the corner, and says, “He saved my life!”
Gerwyn is working under a car
Gerwyn is working under a car in the garage when his mother arrives on her mobility scooter;  
"I'm busy, Mam"
he complains that he is busy today, and has not done half of his jobs yet.   
"Finding out a murderer lived across the road"
“It’s been a hard week, finding out a murderer lived across the road!” she replies, “That’s the trouble these days – no one cares about each other!”
"Haven't you got some dinner to cook?"
He was under the impression she had some dinner to cook, but she says she has been thinking about that, and has come to the conclusion that they should go out, to somewhere that does nice food.   
"We deserve a treat, don't you think?"
“Tesni has been stuck at home all day, and you and Jac are up to your ears in work, so we deserve a treat, don’t you think?   It would cheer us all up after the terrible things that have happened.”
"Yes, I suppose you're right"
Gerwyn, as usual, is easily persuaded, 
He is given the task of booking a table
so she tells him to book a table somewhere, as she has things to do, and drives away before he can make any protest.
"You deserve a medal!"
After hearing what happened, Iolo remarks that Dylan deserves a medal;  “To hang around my neck like a dog?   I don’t think so!” Dylan replies, “I did what anyone would have done.”
Iolo insists that he put himself in danger to save someone he did not even know, but he says that he could not just pass by.   
"Mind you, it might be for the best"
Then he tells Kelly, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save Ed – mind you, it might be for the best – it’s easier for you like this.”
"My husband's dead – how is that easier?"
Kelly does not share this opinion;  “My husband’s dead – how is that easier?”   Dylan points out that there will be no court case, and everything plastered over the papers, but she protests, “It’s plastered all over the papers anyway – most of it lies!”
Dylan feels that he has outstayed his welcome
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you and the baby are OK,” he says, and thinks that he had better go.   
"Tyler is on his way home"
Iolo receives a message from Tyler, who is on his way back home, 
Iolo will text Kelly
and will text Kelly.
"How did the exam go?"
Later, outside the school, Tyler asks Luned how her exam went, and she replies that she thinks she did well;  
"63 is a prime number, isn't it, sir?"
“63 is a prime number, isn’t it, sir?” she says, and Tyler thinks that it is.   
They are soon disabused of that notion
However they are interrupted by another pupil, who points out that 63 is not a prime number;  “It’s nine times seven, obviously – that was one of the easier questions!”   Then they go on to discuss the x angle of the polygon, and the boy tells her that it was 88°, so Luned is relieved that she got that one right, but Tyler is less confident.
Luned is on the lookout for Guto 
She is looking out for Guto, who she finds carrying his metal detector, and she looks suitably happy.   
"How did the exam go?"
He asks how her exam went, and she replies, “Fine, thanks to you!”   He goes to start the search, and she surreptitiously takes the ring from her pocket, 
She positions the ring . . .
deposits it on the grass in a corner, 
. . . and looks very smug
and looks pleased with herself.
A sports car passes Jaclyn and Tyler . . .
In the village, Jaclyn meets Tyler, and tells him that she will be better once the exams are over.   A sports car passes them, sounding its horn, and Jaclyn describes the driver as, “Some idiot with too much money, probably.”
. . . and the driver gets out
The door opens and she recognises the driver;  
"What are you doing here, Dyl?"
“Dylan?” she says, and goes to meet him.   “What are you doing here?” she squeals, as he hugs her.
Tyler is not allowed in the kitchen yet
Iolo does not want Tyler to come into the kitchen at number 7, 
An optimistic message
and when he is allowed in, he finds some bunting has been erected, spelling out, “Well done you!” to celebrate his finishing the exam, and, hopefully, passing it.
"It was a disaster!"
Tyler says it was a disaster;  “I heard some pupils discussing the answers – and mine were different.”   
"I know what will lift your spirits . . ."
Iolo knows what will lift his spirits – 
". . . fig rolls!"
a plate of fig rolls, his favourite, and reveals that he made the banner before Tyler got up this morning.
"I'm proud of you, whatever the result"
Iolo continues, “I know I’ve gone a bit over the top, but I know how hard you’ve worked, and I’m proud of you, whatever the result is!”   Tyler asks how Kelly was, and is told that she was not great.   
"Fancy coming to see Kelly?"
“I’m going back now to keep her company – do you fancy coming?” Iolo asks, 
Tyler grabs a handful
and Tyler grabs a handful of fig rolls, to take with him.
Guto is busy with the metal detector
Gerwyn is deploying his metal detector, and is called a nerd by some other boys;  he is ready to give up the search, but Luned reminds him about the ring.   “I’ve been round twice already,” he protests, 
"Have you tried over here?"
but she points out a spot where he has not tried – of course, the very place where she had deposited the ring.
Of course, he immediately finds the ring . . .
He locates it immediately 
. . . and hands it back to Luned
and returns it to her;  
She feigns stupendous gratitude . . .
“I thought I’d never see it again!” she exclaims, 
. . . and kisses him
is very grateful and kisses him, which causes him acute embarrassment.   He says he has to go, and makes a hasty exit, much to her dismay.
"How long has it been since we saw each other?"
At number 10, Jaclyn asks Dylan when they last saw each other, and he replies, “I’m useless at keeping in touch.”   
"This is the first time you've called"
She remarks that they have been in Cwmderi for months now, and this is the first time he has called.   He says that he is doing all right, 
"What about Princess Zoë?"
and she asks, “What about princess Zoë?   How is she?”
Jaclyn works out that they have split up
When he says that he does not know, she deduces that they have split up, and says that he is better off without her, as she was a snob.   
"I wanted to make sure Kelly was OK"
“There is another reason why I’m in Cwmderi,” he goes on, “I wanted to make sure that Kelly was OK – someone had to save her!”   
"Uncle Dyl!"
Jaclyn is astonished, and at that moment Tesni comes in, and is delighted to see Uncle Dyl.
Brenda comments, “I thought there was a strange smell in here!” and he says he is pleased to see her as well;  she cannot wait to go for a ride in his car.
Gwen has visited the cashpoint
Gwen has just withdrawn some money from the cashpoint when Guto and Luned come along the road;  
"What are you doing tonight?"
“What are you doing tonight?” she asks, and he says that he will continue doing revision.   
"I'll buy you a cake to thank you"
She suggests going to the café;  “I’ll buy you a cake, to thank you for finding the ring – come on, don’t be shy!”
"Guto, come over here, now!"
Just as he is about to agree to her proposal, his sister shouts from across the road for him to go to the house urgently, and he goes, leaving Luned disappointed.
Guto is also delighted to see his uncle
Guto is also pleased to see his uncle, but when Gerwyn comes in, 
Gerwyn's welcome is not so effusive
the welcome is not quite as warm.   Brenda announces that they are going out for a meal, and Gerwyn says has booked a table for five at the Bull, but they will not be able to accommodate six, 
"We can have a takeaway instead"
so Jaclyn decides that they can have a takeaway instead, from Cwm Delhi.
"I can't possibly have curry!"
Brenda cannot have curry;  “Or the bathroom will be out of use,” she says, then raises the problem of Tes and her colitis, 
"Something mild will be fine"
but is assured that something mild will be OK.   Guto goes to find a menu, and Dylan insists that he will pay;  
Gerwyn tries to put on a smile
Gerwyn does not look at all happy at this development.
"What if I fail again?"
When Iolo and Tyler get to Y Felin, Tyler is still worrying, “What if I fail again?   Of course 63 isn’t a prime number – 
“I will be lucky to scrape a C!”
"Stop going on about it, please!   It was an exam!"
Kelly tells him, “Stop going on and on about it, please!   It was an exam!”   
"You can do it again and again, until you pass the damn thing!"
She jumps up from the sofa, and exclaims, “If you fail, Tyler, you can do it again – and again – and again, until you pass the damn thing!”   
He points out that he could lose his job, 
"It's better than losing your life!"
but Kelly continues, “It’s better than losing your life!”   Suddenly, she looks terrified 
Kelly clutches her stomach
and clutches her stomach;  
"Are you all right, Kelly?"
Iolo is worried that something has happened, 
"It's kicking for the first time!"
but she sobs, “It’s kicking for the first time!”
All except Brenda are tucking into their curry
The six of them are tucking into their takeaway at number 10, and Brenda tries to pretend that she is satisfied with chips.   
"The investments are doing well"
Dylan reports that his investments are doing well, and his housing portfolio, 
"You must have plenty, judging by the car outside"
and Gerwyn remarks that he must have plenty, judging by the car outside.
Guto seems to be toying with his food
Dylan wonders what is wrong with Guto, as he usually demolishes his food, 
"He's in love – with Luned Fflur!"
and Tesni tells them, “He’s in love!   With Luned Fflur!”   Guto insists that nothing is going on, but is told not to be embarrassed.
"There are lots of them"
Then Dylan enquires if Brenda has a gentleman friend around these days, and she maintains there are lots of them.   Jaclyn says they are going to the Deri now, and Dylan can stay the night, if he does not mind roughing it on the sofa.   
"If I get cold, I can always cwtch up with you, Brenda!"
“If I get cold, I can always cwtch up with you, Brenda,” he jokes.
"We're the most boring couple in the area"
“I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than stay here with me,” Kelly tells Iolo and Tyler;  Tyler describes them as the most boring couple in the area.   
"I'm sure there'll be a lot of kicking now"
 is sure that the baby will do a lot of kicking now, 
"Ed would have loved to be here!"
but she sighs, “Ed would have loved to have been here – he kept asking if I’d felt it kicking.   
"He was beyond excited"
“He was beyond excited about being a father – and I know he did some awful things – really awful – 
"I loved him, really loved him!"
“but he is my baby’s father – and I loved him, really loved him.”